It is a summer afternoon, and everyone is all smiles and in great spirits – except for you. You have a full day ahead of you but your allergies are already acting up. But have you ever wondered why every summer you feel this way? Well, the cause of your allergies may be from more than just the ragweed outside; they may be caused by the air coming from the ducts and vents in your house!
Here are some of the most common irritants found in ducts:
If you find yourself running for the tissue box often, then you may have allergens floating around at home. Particles such as pollen, dirt, dust, and animal dander, as well as actual living organisms such as dust and food mites can fill ducts.
Your body aches, your head pounds and a cough leaves your stomach muscles feeling sore. Sound familiar? Cold and flu viruses may lurk in your home’s ductwork, which becomes a problem in the winter when the air is drier.
Mold and Mildew
Do you sometimes wheeze and feel the air is stuffy? Or find that you always feel tired? The cause could be mold and mildew in your ducts. Mold and mildew can affect the whole body causing sinus troubles and chronic fatigue.
There’s a strange smell in your home and no matter how hard you try, you simply can’t seem to get rid of it. The cause could very well be cigarette smoke, chemicals and other toxins that might be trapped in your home’s ducts.
It’s important to realize that ducts don’t clean themselves. Regular home duct cleaning can remove the nasty little microbes and debris that can be the cause of home discomfort. Vacuums and sanitizers remove annoying particles, and using sealants protects your ducts from further build-up. It is advisable to clean your ducts once a year, and by doing so, you can improve your health and that of your family’s as well.
It’s always best to hire a professional to carry out duct cleaning tasks and there are none more qualified than RESNET EnergySmart Contractors. RESNET certified professionals are trained to the highest standards and are obliged to abide by the RESNET Code of Ethics.
Duct cleaning should be a regular part of your house maintenance program. Make sure you do it properly!