Everlasting Homes Building Group
In 2022, experts from BGT Construction LLC, King Country Builders Inc., and Optimum Mechanical Solutions LLC formed Everlasting Homes Building Group LLC.

Everlasting Homes Building Group
https://www.everlastinghomesgroup.com/In this month’s feature, we asked George Mock, General Manager at Everlasting Homes Building Group, to share some insight on building HERS® homes for their customers.
Q: What is special about a HERS® Rated home?
A: George: HERS-rated homes are third-party-inspected, setting a high standard of construction excellence in terms of air tightness which has a large effect on the health of the people living in the HERS-rated structure. Additionally, HERS-rated homes tell a homebuyer how energy efficient the house is and will be in the future, thus allowing the homebuyer to calculate the energy savings over the next 30 years.
Q: Why should consumers ask for the HERS® Index Score on homes they shop for?
A: George: The HERS index score will tell them how much money they will save per month/year/30-year loan term because of the house’s energy efficiency.
Q: Why does Everlasting Homes Building Group choose to have its homes HERS® Rated?
A: George: The HERS rating is the core of DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes certification and we want to build the homes of the future – resilient, safe, energy-efficient, tight homes so we can control, filter, purify & sterilize the air in our homes to make them the most healthy for you and your family. Our home exterior consists of RSG-3D SCIP Panels and Anderson windows.
Q: Why consumers should expect energy-efficient homes?
A: George: Energy costs are a large part of the family budget thus impacting their lives in every regard. This is a driver in the decision-making process of buying a house.
Q: How many homes does Everlasting Homes Group build with HERS® per year?
A: George: Everlasting Homes Building Group, LLC was formed on January 6, 2022. We are luxury custom SCIP home builders, the only SCIP builders in Texas. We have three 5000sf+ custom homes under construction, all being certified. We just started a 15,000sf custom home start and will start a 6,000sf home in July.
Q: How do you market HERS® Rated homes?
A: George: First, all our homes are currently being HERS rated and all in the future will be rated. Being a SCIP builder is 90% there in all aspects with the panel and concrete. We are currently marketing through our website, local print advertising at Houston’s top golf clubs, signage at homes under construction, and local real estate listings.
Q: How do your customers feel about HERS® Rated homes?
A: George: With the new Texas bill (House Bill 3215) being passed, HERS® index numbers knowledge will increase quickly. Appraisers will be a big part of HERS® ratings and getting higher appraisals based on energy efficiency will be on everyone’s mind.